If I must sin (2024)
Museum Angewandte Kunst
RAY Triennial of Photography
Piña, chiffon, silver gelatin on paper, charcoal, wax thread, acrylic
90cm x 90cm each
Exhibition history: Soft Proof, RAY Masterclass
Held by Anton Kunsters
'If I Must Sin' refers to the idea of confessional booths in Catholic churches, where most devout believers admit their sins in the hopes of eternal salvation. In these booths, two individuals enter into an intimate yet unequal dialogue; separating them is a lattice, often made of opaque material. A seated priest takes on power to whom the kneeling confessee submits. As one confesses, the other enlists a process of penance.
In an attempt to understand the need for perpetual seeking of absolution and constant penance, ‘If I must sin’ questions: ”is religious guilt necessary?”